House of the Moon

December, 2019: In collaboration with Tribal Leaders in the US and Canada, NU is developing the Indigenous Women and Girls Empowerment snd Self-Defense Program.
It is HOLISTIC HEALING and RESTORATION MOVEMENT that engages First Nations/Tribal Communities on a Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Empowerment and Self-Defense training curriculum for Indigenous Women and Girls.
The program will be accessible to all First Nations/Tribal people and shared throughout Indian Country in U.S. and Canada. The framework and structure of the program will have enough flexibility so details of each module can be customized based on specific and unique Tribal/Cultural Practices, location and circumstances.
Indigenous women will be trained and certified as facilitators on the curriculum and be able to return to their individual communities to organize and lead sessions, workshops, gatherings and/or classes.
We are planning to Launch Pilot Programs on several Reservations in the US and Canada as well as Urban areas in Spring/Summer 2020.
The program is intended as a powerful response for prevention, empowerment, recovery and healing of victims, families and communities impacted by the MMIWG (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls) epidemic.
Sign up for more information at HouseoftheMoon.org
MMIW Billboard Campaign

January, 2019: Nation Unsevered funded the launch of the MMIW Billboard campaign. The campaign was designed and initiated by the Global Indigenous Council to raise awareness and bring attention to the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls epidemic that is plaguing the US and Canada. The effort is ongoing and NU has co-sponsored over 22 billboards nationwide. Billboards were raised in key states where the incidents are reported being at the highest numbers, in addition to areas where bi-partisan attention is needed from State and Federal representatives in order to garner support to pass significant legislation that will address the major issues surrounding the problem. Senator Jon Tester from Montana applauded the Billboard campaign saying, “Without awareness, we won’t have change.”
The campaign will contribute to bringing the MMIWG tragedy to the fore of public conscience. The more exposure to this campaign, the greater the impact. The Billboards Campaign mission is to raise public awareness, instill urgency in law enforcement and raise awareness with State and Federal representatives to pass meaningful legislation.

Somebody's Daughter

September, 2019: Nation Unsevered partially funded the making of the MMIW Documentary, Somebody’s Daughter to be premiered in Las Vegas, NV in January, 2020 at the Native American presidential forum.
Somebody’s Daughter is an all-indigenous production. The documentary has been endorsed by civil rights icon, Congressman John Lewis. Georgina Lightning, award-winning actress and director, regarded as “the First Lady of Native American film,” has endorsed the documentary. She was the first woman to receive the White House Project -Emerging Artist Award in Film, and with Older Than America she became the first North American Indigenous Woman to direct a major feature film.
Lakota Community Awareness Program in Takini, SD led by Sunny Red-Bear, Nikkole Bostnar and Cante Heart

April, 2019: Nation Unsevered funds were used to purchase necessity items and gift cards, to bring people together for a community gathering to build awareness about a "Man Camp" going up in Takini on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation border. These Lakota women informed their community of the risks this would pose to young women, girls and families that live in that area. Bringing awareness and informing the people of the risks and dangers of “Man-Camps" is a key component for prevention and saving lives.
Not In Our Name
Short Film
July, 2018: Nation Unsevered fully funded the Not In Our Name short film which solidified public support for the Crow Tribe et al vs. the Department of the Interior and Secretary Zinke in opposition of Trophy Hunting of Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies and reinstating ESA protections to the Grizzly. Putting the Grizzly back on the Endangered species list not only protects the sacred grizzly, it protects the Land from privatized drilling and in turn protects the Women, Girls and Communities that are negatively impacted by Fossil Fuel Industry Man-camps. The film featured House Natural Resources Committee Chairman, Congressman Raul Grijalva and became the most-watched film on Sierra Club’s social media platforms. Not In Our Name had the honor of being entered into the Congressional record at a hearing in May 2019.