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Erin E. Mitchell

Meeting Congresswoman Sharice Davids

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

It was 10 minutes of clock time. But meeting Sharice Davids, one of two newly elected Native American women to Congress, will be felt in my soul for a lifetime. We were given only a few minutes with the very busy congresswoman. The line out her door of people wanting to meet with her and speak to her, Native and non-Native alike, was longer than any other office I'd seen that day in the Longworth building. I knew this limited time was a gift. She is small in stature, but large in force. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even though we were there to ask for her support for a sobering matter.

This woman is up against a lot. Being a "first" comes with SO SO much, because there is a constituency of people that have been waiting lifetimes for someone to represent them, someone to hear what they have to say, listen to their needs. Sharice Davids is a first for all Native Americans in this country. AND she is balancing that by prioritizing the State of Kansas' needs. It was an honor and privilege to be in her presence. It is a shining moment for our country. It's only taken 200 years to have Indigenous leaders in our Nation's capital. Since Indigenous people helped our founding fathers create the principles of our Constitution and democracy, well, Congresswomen Davids and Haaland may just have something important to bring to the table. Women leaders and in particular Indigenous women leaders hold the keys to our healed Nation and Earth. All my prayers and best wishes go out to you, Congresswoman Davids! Your achievement lights us up, gives us hope and make us SO proud!

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